
Money Packets

Full color printing on exterior only:
$0.37 per pc           10,000pcs: $0.20 per pc 

Full color printing on exterior only + Hot Stamp (6cm x 6cm, 1 side):
$0.40 per pc           10,000pcs: $0.22 per pc

Delivery Timeline: 30 – 35 working days upon confirmation of artwork
Price are Final Nett and include 1 free delivery location(SG)

Product Rating: 5/5
Review Count: 15

Call us at 6684 7175/ 78 or email us:

SKU: 3671. Category: .

Product Description

Red-Packet_2024-Email-templatetemplate money packet template_EZ


What are Money Packets?

It is interesting about the way people are carrying on with their rich traditions in Singapore. Money Packets play a very important role in Chinese and Vietnamese traditions. Money wrapped in amazing Money Packets is a brilliant way of wishing good luck to the one it is offered to on many occasions especially on New Year and weddings. Also, it holds pretty much true for Singapore.

As a matter of fact, there are different gift stores in Singapore these days that offer you a perfect mix of traditional gift ideas and contemporary gift ideas. One of such traditional gift-methods is, of course, giving money in Money Packets. This is something that has been around for ages in many South East Asian countries. However, nowadays, Money Packets are available in a wide range of colors and designs.

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